Many organizations and companies have come up with a strategy that can help more people to buy computers. Hence with their collaborations, they have developed computers under 400$with major companies like Toshiba, Compaq and also IBM teaming up with other organizations, which will have a deal to make cheap computers under 400$. The Computers under 400$ can come about when a company decides to give discounts to people according to their age, a season like Christmas and organizations like schools corporate discounts for companies or even the military.
With prices starting at $ 400, you have a Compaq Presario Laptop CQ61Z the cute, easy to get and cheap can not mention. It uses Windows 7 is a good thing that the latest operating system your computer is to squeeze out juices. Besides, this is a 15.6-inch display, which means that you as you gaze on the screen if you have not bought a 10 inch netbook will be. HP's website, to customize your laptop can as cheap as possible. All models have an integrated microphone, but you also can choose a model that has a web camera. One year warranty does not matter which configuration you choose you must.